
Flickas wid my homes
Al el estilo cholo
13 Commandments
Song lyrics
Southside Arte
more flickas


Hey fool check this mess out !! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... THIS IS
nuthin but yo mamma in shakespeare style.


Roses are red

Mexicans are brown

thats my race

so don't put it down!!

My MEXICAN pride

I will not hide


I will not disgrace

My MEXICAN blood

flows hot & true

My MEXICAN peeps

I will stand by you

thru thick & thin

till the day we die

Our MEXICAN flag

Always stands high

I yell this poem

Louder than all the rest.

cuz every 1 knows


MEXICAN Pride in my mind

MEXICAN BLOOD is my kind

So step aside and let me through

Cuz its all about the MEXICAN crew

Life sucks and then u die

but if your MEXICAN

You die with good a$$ pride!!!!

I gOt YoUr BaCk

YoU gOt MiNe,

iLl HeLp YoU oUt


iLL bUs daT NiNE,

aNd If YoU aGrEe

To NeVeR fIgHt

It WoUlDnT mAtTeR

wHoSe WrOnG oR rIgHt

If A bRoKeN hEaRt

NeEdS a MeNd

iLl Be RiGhT tHeRe

TiLl ThE eNd
I nO u A gAnGSTa

bUt if U drOP dem tEars

DoNt WoRrY

lEt Go Of YoUr FeArS

if UR bRoKE mOneYs WaT ill SENd

cauSE We HoMIeZ

TilL tHe EnD!!!!
dOwN TO RidE

Send me yo poems homeboy!!!        

Goodbye means goodbye.
Now that I see.
All of those lie's
you've told me

I don't blame you.
I never have.
But the least you could do
is pick up your tab

The least you could've done
was tell me the truth
Atleast I would've
respected you.

You've lost my respect.
You've lost my trust.
I guess our friendship
was a bust.

I didn't believe the people
and what they had said.
But now I guess
Our friendship is dead.

Puro south till AL-G dies punk!!!
